PCS 2016

04.12.2016 - 08:00 bis 07.12.2016 - 18:00 , NFF Braunschweig ,Braunschweig, Deutschland

The Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) is an international forum devoted specifically to advances in visual data coding. PCS is the pioneer conference, and has the longest history, in this field. Since 1969, PCS has provided the most exciting forum for the visual coding community from academia and industry. The 32nd PCS will be held in the historical city of Nuremberg, Germany, and the famous Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market) will welcome you for a memorable experience of German tradition. In line with the pioneering tradition of PCS, path breaking, challenging exploratory contributions are very welcome.


Nasledujúce vstupenky sú určené na akciu od 04.12.2016 - 08:00 Hodiny bis 07.12.2016 - 18:00 Hodiny k dispozícii.


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70.00 EUR *
IEEE Member
590.00 EUR *
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200.00 EUR *
UPGRADE early bird - Student to full registration (Non-Member)
300.00 EUR *


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Informácie o organizátorovi

Organizátorom tohto podujatia je:

Meno spoločnosti: kenzler conference management
Frau Silke Kenzler
PSČ / mesto: 30655 / Hannover
webovú stránku: http://www.kcmweb.de
Kontakt: Kontaktformular
dostať sa tam

NFF Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Straße 42
38108 Braunschweig
Plánovanie autom:
Landkarte / Route anzeigen

Príchod vlakom:
bahn.de - Príchodová forma



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