GCPR 2016

12.09.2016 - 08:00 bis 15.09.2016 - 18:00 , Dormero Hotel ,Hannover, Deutschland

38th German Conference on Pattern Recognition

GCPR 2016 is the 38th annual symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM, www.dagm.de). These symposia belong to the oldest and largest domestic conferences on pattern recognition, image processing, and computer vision, and use English as the conference language. To reflect the internationalization of the annual DAGM symposia, this conference series has been renamed into German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR).


Nasledujúce vstupenky sú určené na akciu od 12.09.2016 - 08:00 Hodiny bis 15.09.2016 - 18:00 Hodiny k dispozícii.


Vyberte jednu z možností rezervácie uvedených nižšie.

300.00 EUR *
250.00 EUR *
Upgrade Workshop to Student Ticket
210.00 EUR *
Workshop Only
40.00 EUR *


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Informácie o organizátorovi

Organizátorom tohto podujatia je:

Meno spoločnosti: kenzler conference management
Frau Silke Kenzler
PSČ / mesto: 30655 / Hannover
webovú stránku: http://www.kcmweb.de
Kontakt: Kontaktformular
dostať sa tam

Dormero Hotel
Hildesheimer Straße 34 - 38
30169 Hannover
Plánovanie autom:
Landkarte / Route anzeigen

Príchod vlakom:
bahn.de - Príchodová forma



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